This month we will have the privilege of meeting in a new facility that is the headquarters for the Ventura County Fire Department. This is an opportunity to see something new, catch up on our activities, and meet friends. The meeting will start promptly at 19:30 (07:30 PM) Local time. You are encouraged to arrive at 19:00 for a bit of social time before the meeting. Yellow shirts are appropriate. Either the County provided or one of the ARES shirts. Wearing your ACS ID is suggested since it is a county facility.
The meeting is open to all. members, non-members, and the curious. Anyone interested in what we do is encouraged to attend. Feel free to pass on this information to others you believe might be interested.
We will review progress on our systems, release new information about upcoming events, and review recent events.
• Progress reports on EOC and infrastructure systems.
• Upcoming and completed events
• An update on the ACS-ARES web portal
• Info on the HF net
• An overview of Winlink activities.
• A report from ARRL Section Manager
If you have a subject that you would like to discuss or have discussed, please let me know and I will put it on the agenda. Please join us if you can.
Rob – W6RH
2400 Conejo Spectrum St, Newbury Park, CA 91320

Head north on Rancho Conejo Blvd toward W Hillcrest Dr. for 1.5 mi.
Turn left onto Conejo Spectrum St. 367 ft
Turn left into the lot.

34.203371, -118.928121
We will also stream the meeting for those that don’t wish to attend in person. For Zoom information please join our discussion group at: https://vc-acs.groups.io/g/main