Digital Operations

Ventura County ARES/ACS Packet Stations
Complete List| Intro to Packet Radio

Outpost Software for Packet Operation
Set-up | Cheat-Sheet | Manual

Terminal Node Controllers used in Ventura County EOCs
Kantronics KPC-3 | Equipment Manual | KPC-3 Basic Settings
Kantronics KPC-3 Plus | Equipment Manual | Initial Configuration
Kantronics KAM XL | Equipment Manual | Initial Configuration

Kantronics TNC Commands

SoundModem Software – TNC software emulation
Download ( | Set-up | Video

AREDN Network
Beginner’s Guide

FLDIGI Windows Install|Set-up | Cheat-Sheet | Video| Advanced NBEMS| LAX ARES Quick Start | NBEMS Practice Net

Download VARA Software | VARA-HF | VARA-FM Quick Setup
| VARA-FM Tutorial

Download Winlink Express | Info | Set-up | Connect Winlink to Mesh Network | ACS/ARES Check-In Template

rev. 06/12/2024