ARES LAX NW District, LA EmComm group and WaveTalkers are running another round of their Winlink Basics for EmComm course every Friday and Sunday at 2pm PST for the next few weeks. The Friday and Sunday sessions are repeats of the same material so feel free to join either session live, link below, or catch the recordings on WaveTalkers. http://wavetalkers.com
Session 1: Winlink Basics, was last week, and the recordings for those sessions can be accessed here: https://courses.wavetalkers.com/courses/winlink/lectures/16789262 .
Session 2: Getting on The Air With Winlink Over Telnet, starts today at 2pm PST and will be repeated live on Sunday at 2pm PST. All course sessions are being live streamed at my WaveTalkers site: http://wavetalkers.com and links to the Live Zoom sessions, previous course sessions, and show notes are available by joining the class.
The course being conducted live via Zoom and all Zoom sessions are limited to 100 participants.
ARES and ACS members are welcome to join the LIVE Zoom session at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9905081876?pwd=UDhpenoxeXkzZXpMYTJXK2NNRGpsZz09